Manahatta at the Public Theatre


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On September 14th, 2013 I performed in a reading of the play Manahatta, by Mary Katherine Nagle, directed by Kate Whorisky (Ruined) at the Public Theatre. The reading was part of the Public’s New Works Now Series, which features great new plays by lesser known playwrights. Manahatta tells two parallel stories of American Indians and their struggles with the “white man” over their home. The first story takes place as the Dutch arrive in the new world, and ultimately carry out the most famous real estate swindle in history. The second story takes place at the end of the 20th century, as a young Indian woman from rural Oklahoma comes to New York to work for Lehman Brothers, on the eve of its demise. I play real-life figures Peter Minuet and Peter Stuyvesant, and then Lehman CEO Dick Fuld. It’s a great play, and hopefully we’ll see more of it!